
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey guys, It's Lindzo, I just want to say it's after midnight on the west coast so It is officially Thanksgiving! I am thankful for so many things, first off I am thankful for my friends, especially, Tatum, Mary, Chelsea, Chad, Spencer, Katie, Sean, Brad, and Hunter. You guys mean SO much to me. I also want to send my love to the Cheer loves, aka Britt, Steven, Ashley A. Ashley J. and Adam. I also want to send my love to My San Francisco mom, Ashley! You are amazing and Beautiful and I look up to you so much. And of course I would never be able to Thank My Family. OMG my family, Mom, I love you. I love you so much It's unreal. You are without a doubt my best friend. Daddy, oh my oh my, Daddy, I love you. I will always be your little girl. Justin, as much as we fight, I love you, and I miss you all the time. Monty and Daisy you are the light at the end of the tunnel. You are my everything. I miss you all the time and I don't know what I am going to do without you guys one day, I love you like you were my own children. Anyways sorry for the emotionial post. I get slightly homesick around the holidays when I can't be with my family. I love you all, and I am so thankful to have everyone of you in my life, xoxo Lindsay.

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